Sunday, September 27, 2015

Our Week on Teachability

(Originally posted February 17, 2015 on Greenwood 50's Technology Leaders and Coaches in Action! blog at: )

Last week I was offered a wonderful platform from which to tell a bit of our daily education story in the library and I couldn't think of a better way to work towards my goal of promoting technology integration than by showing others - both locally and across the world wide web - the things we're doing here in the library at Hodges Elementary/Greenwood School of Inquiry.

Teachability (Pearson Education) hosts an Instagram account and gives teachers from all disciplines across the country the opportunity to "takeover" their account for a week and use the technology to tell their specific story.  The goal is to highlight and share the wonderful things happening in all facets of education.  I hope I helped further that goal and gave viewers a glimpse into the things happening in our little corner of the education world.  I took great pride in presenting a glimpse into the daily life of our school library.  Based on comments I received and contacts I made, I definitely feel the week was successful.  It was certainly an honor.

I'm attaching each post I made to the Teachability account here.  You can click each photo to see the full post.  If you like the photo and have an Instagram account, click the photo to link to Teachability's account where you can "like" it.  Thank you all for following along on this journey with us!

Teachability Instagram Homescreen


Getting Ready for an intro to Augmented Reality with HeartCam
Getting ready for an intro to augmented reality with HeartCam

Kindergarten's first experience with augmented reality
Kindergarten's first experience with augmented reality

Promoting our blog
Promoting our blog

Upcoming Augmented Reality Project with 5th Grade
Upcoming Augmented Reality Project with 5th Grade

Setting up for Story Sequencing with Animated Film
Setting up for Story Sequencing with Animated Film 

Story Sequencing with Animated Film
Story Sequencing with Animated Film

Dog and Bone App to Practice and Reinforce Story Sequencing
Dog and Bone App to Practice and Reinforce Story Sequencing

For the Love of First Graders
For the Love of First Graders

Independent Checkout
Independent Checkout

iPad Cart Updates
iPad Cart Updates

New Otter Boxes for an Older iPad Cart
New Otter Boxes for an Older iPad Cart

School Website Updates
School Website Updates

WHOD Morning News Program
WHOD Morning News Program

Processing New Books
Processing New Books

Prepping for 3rd Grade Animoto Book Trailers
Prepping for 3rd Grade Animoto Book Trailers

5th Grade Exploring Augmented Reality with HeartCam App
5th Grade Exploring Augmented Reality Technology with the Heart Cam App

Behind the Scenes Work
Behind the Scenes Work

MinecraftEDU Server through Teacher Gaming
MinecraftEDU Server through Teacher Gaming

3rd Grader Gathers Photos and Information for her Animoto Book Trailer Project
3rd Grader Gathers Photos and Information for her Animoto Book Trailer Project

Students Teaching MinecraftEDU to the Teacher
Students Teaching MinecraftEDU to the Teacher

Thank you!
Thank You from Hodges/GSI Library!

Thank you again for following us on this journey!  I had a blast telling our story through photos on the Teachability Instagram platform.  Social media is a wonderful tool for sharing the great things going on in our library and for learning from others through the wonderful things going on in theirs!


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